As a working 198-acre dairy farm, Conebella Farm supplies individuals
with straw and grass hay. We also welcome inquiries and visits from farmers who wish to
purchase Ayrshire calves, heifers and young bulls from our top cows.
Conebella Farm has ample space not only for cultivating a healthy herd but also for growing all of our herd’s forages, from alfalfa and grass hay to corn and rye. In fact, our productive farm generates more than enough to feed our Ayrshires, so we are able to sell to individuals who wish to purchase hay.
We offer:
- Grass hay (small bale or large square bale)
- Low-sugar grass hay (small bale or large square bales – ideal for horses)
- Straw (small bale)
*Local delivery is available. Please contact us for more information.